Using screen to connect to a debugging session

Sometimes you need to leave a debugger connected to a program for long periods of time.

Other times you may wish to transfer a debugging session from one engineer to another.

Screen is a good way to do that ...

Installing screen.

If screen is not already installed:

sudo yum install screen

Creating a screen session

If the session already exists skip to the next section ...

The '^' character is just the "hat", not a control in this command.

screen -e^tt bash

Connecting to an existing debug session

Log into the server in question. Become root.

screen -x

Disconnecting from an existing screen session

IMPORTANT - don't exit the session with exit or ^D unless you want to kill it.

To disconnect (and leave the session running) type a control-t followed by a 'd'.

For help type a control-t followed by a '?'.