BoxPack Puzzle Solver

My Dad had a traditional box packing puzzle at his house over Thanskgiving ...
BoxPack Image

WIN32 Binary

If you just want to try it out on a Windows computer download the prebuilt WIN32 binary.

Building BoxPack

To build BoxPack you need wxWindows and Monotone (to get the source).

Setup on WIN32

wxWindows Setup
  1. Download the installer and run.
  2. I accepted the default setup options.
  3. Set WXWIN in your environment to the installed location. I set mine to "C:\wxWindows-2.4.2".
  4. Edit include\wx\msw\setup.h and enable the OpenGL support by changing the value of wxUSE_GLCANVAS to 1.
  5. Open src\wxWindows.dsw in Visual Studio. Answer yes to all of the "forward conversion" prompts. Choose "Batch Build" and select "Debug" and "Release" builds of jpeg, png, regex, tiff, wxWindows and zlib. Build.

Refer to the main wxWindows site for any missing details.

Monotone Setup
  1. Download the monotone installer for windows from the Monotone home page.
  2. Execute the installer, accept defaults, yes to "init database" and "generate key". You'll be prompted to enter a passphrase for your keypair.
  3. Put the monotone directory in your PATH environment variable. I added "C:\Program Files\monotone" to my PATH.
  4. Open a shell and export your public key with "monotone pubkey". Email me the public key block (all of the output).

Refer to the main Monotone site for any missing details.

Setup on Linux FC4

yum -y install wxGTK2-gl wxGTK2-stc wxGTK-common wxGTK-common-devel wxGTK2-xrc wxGTK2-devel wxGTK2
yum -y install monotone

Checkout a Source Tree

Anyone can check out a copy of the source. If you email me your public key I'll give you write permissions so you can commit changes as well.

# Move the generated database somewhere easier to deal with
mv /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/Ken/My\ Documents/monotone/monotone.db ~/.

# Sync the boxpack project into your database.
mtn --db=~/monotone.db sync com.bonsai.boxpack

# Checkout a source tree.
cd /good/place/for/source
mtn --db=~/monotone.db --branch=com.bonsai.boxpack checkout boxpack

Building on WIN32

  1. Open the BoxPack Solution in Visual Studio.
  2. In "Tools->Options->Projects->VC++ Directories->Include files" add: "$(WXWIN)\include" and "$(WXWIN)\lib\msw". [yes, a path with "lib" in the Include list].
  3. Build

Building on Linux


Ken Sedgwick
Last modified: Mon Jul 17 19:39:38 PDT 2006